Monthly Archives: December 2010

Journal entry 12/28/2010

Small win today!  I passed on ordering pizza and I passed on LuLu getting me Whataburger.  So I took my vitamin chew, drank some organic lemon-aid and water.  Gooo Me!

Of course the Junk Food God’s are angered.  They send a pizza delivery woman.  I wanted to tackle her like a line backer but I didn’t.  I just snapped at her instead.  The next few days are going to be kind of rough (for everyone).

I want to keep writing so I won’t think about food.  I’m hungry but I know I’m not really hungry, it’s purely psychological.  It’s all a figment of my imagination.  So is that giant turkey sitting at the desk next to me.  Oh crap, it’s just Andy.  I feel like the Wiley Coyote.  Yeah, I’ve lost it.

I’ve said, “I have no will power.”

I’ve said, “I have no self-discipline.”

Why do I say that?  I know I can do any thing I set my mind to.  I really believe that.

I’ve used those phrases as excuses.  Crutches to assist in my demise.  Band-aids to cover the open wounds I refused to acknowledge.

At the time, it seems so much easier to mask than to heal.  The whole while the wound is growing and destroying me.   Secretly, I know exactly what my issues are but I thought if I could suppress them long enough, they would go away (I knew better).

I can’t hide any longer.  The wound is too big; visible to the whole world.

Things WILL BE dealt with.

I DO have will power.

I DO have self-discipline.

Out of sheer spite alone, I will prove that I CAN NOT be broken.

I believe that, too!

Journal entry 12/27/2010

(The day after our first walk/run)

Holy Cow, I thought I would die.  I have GOT to quit 2nd hand smoking! 

I definitely need to learn to walk before I run.  I am proud of us though.  We walked for 30 min and ran 3 x.  That’s more than I thought we could do.

Today I am encouraged!  Now to get my eating under control.  That’s nothing, right!?

Journal entry 12/26/2010



The numbers are so much worse than I thought.  How could I not have seen this?  I’ve been avoiding measuring and the scale for a few months now (for obvious reasons) but this shit ain’t right!  Worst of all, I wrote them down by the numbers I had recorded last year.  WTH have I been doing this last year?  Don’t answer that…..



Kill me now and just make a nice summer sausage.  I’m obviously, plump and ready to go.  Thank God I’m an indoors person, it’s hunting season.  I could be shot!

Journal entry from 12/23/10

Welp, we’ve got it all planned out.  Schedule, dates, 5K’s, etc…  I am scared to death!  “I don’t run!”  This should be really interesting.   Actually, You know what?  Now I do run.  I do, I do, I do!!! 

Do you even know how many journals, charts and plans I’ve started?  I’ve found stuff from 2007, 2008, 2009, off and on.  The money I’ve spent in books, kits, sets, and what all; I could have paid for liposuction and be done with it by now.  LOL!   It’s sad really.  All my notes say, “I am determined”, “I will not be defeated”, “This is it”, “I’m tired of being fat”, and “I’m so sick of this”.  It is so embarrassing that I’ve been fighting this for 3 years now.  I’ve just progressively gotten worse.

Today I am excited but afraid.  Afraid that a year from now I am going to find this stupid journal entry and wonder, why didn’t I just sick with it then?  I could have been done by now.

With all that said, I AM the ONLY one that can make this happen.

Sooooo, here goes…..

And now it’s time for a breakdown.

So I figure in the interest of keeping this blog completely honest,  I should go ahead and post the facts. This feels a little icky but I’m going with it anyway.

The goal:

Run a full 5K by April 2. That is 15 weeks from when we started.  (12/26/10)

The plan:

Follow the Couch to 5K plan ( and tweak it a little to fit our needs (aka take it a little slower at first so we don’t kill ourselves right out of the gate).

Pre-first workout stats:

Jana                                            Des

Weight:                                 260.0 lbs                                   252.7 lbs

Height:                                   5’9″                                               5’6″

Neck:                                      15 3/4 in.                                  15 1/2 in.

Upper Chest:                       47 1/2 in.                                  43 1/2 in.

Boobs:                                    48 1/2 in.                                   46 1/2 in.

Right Upper Arm:              15 in.                                           15 in.

Waist:                                     50 1/4 in.                                   46 1/4 in.

Hips:                                        52 3/4 in.                                    51 in.

Right Upper Thigh:           26 1/2 in.                                     27 in.

Right Mid Calf:                    17 1/2 in.                                     17 3/4 in.

We’ll redo the measurements once a month and we’ll weigh in “officially” every other week (even though I know I will get on the scale every single day just to see how I am doing and I have a feeling Des will be doing the same!).

Just to clarify my post from yesterday: I don’t hate myself, I am happy as a lark, and my weight really isn’t a big issue for me nowadays. While I am perfectly healthy right now (no diabetes, no high blood pressure or cholesterol, no heart disease, etc.), I am doing this to keep those away in the future as well. I have watched the effects of those diseases on too many family members and it’s hitting closer to home every time I turn around. I want to improve my energy level, ride roller coasters again and be around longer for my son and my husband. Who wouldn’t want that??

Also, I’m going to put my snarky bitch hat here for a minute and say that never in the entire length of our nearly 14 year friendship would I have imagined that I would be within 7 pounds of Desaray. I’d be lying if I said that didn’t factor in to me wanting to drop some tonnage because I am incredibly competitive. This might be the only time in the history of ever that I have the chance to weigh less than her. At least I was nice enough to ask her to come along on the journey with me so we can lose it together. I’m a giver like that.

My name is Desaray and I blame Jana.

Just Kidding!!!

Mine is a slightly different story. I have not struggled with weight all my life, it’s just smacked me in the face in the last few years.

I started out too skinny; 107 lbs until my 1st child was born. I did gain a lot of weight with him but lost most of it with in a year or so. No big deal. I averaged about 135 lbs and was perfectly content. As a matter of fact, I did not own a scale. I was so oblivious to “weight issues”, it’s almost shocking how naïve I was. I never ate right or exercised.

2nd husband and after having a set of twins, it was slightly different. I gained a lot of weight but all of it came off but the last 20 lbs. I thought I was HUGE at the unbelievable size of 12/13. I was well aware of my weight but not yet obsessed. Jana and I did the gym thing and many other programs that didn’t pan out. There were many bargains and contracts. Inevitably, I chose a faster route and paid to have my mouth wired shut. Yes, you read that right and No, I hadn’t lost my mind. It worked; I lost all the weight I wanted and again was back to being perfectly content.

In 2004, I was divorced and single life agreed with me. I still continued to lose weight with out trying and it wasn’t a priority. I was the smallest I had ever been (post-pregnancy). In 2006, it all went down hill. It’s pretty painful to talk about so I’m going to summarize.

Madly in love / Medical problems / Never good enough

Gained a lot of weight from medicine / Bad choices /

Cheating / Depression
/ Denial /

Drama / New relationship / More drama /

/ Out of control

You can piece all that together how you want because it sounds just the way it feels. One big horrible mess! I have not been the same since.

Inside my self is always a battle; Head vs. Heart.

Head: I am a strong, independent, determined woman. I will gain control of this situation and show every one what I’m made of. This emotional and unstable crap is ridiculous and embarrassing.

Heart: Ahhhhhhhhhhh…Crying…Lost…Unstable…Distrusting…La la la la…Clunk

That is me in a nutshell. Emphasis on the “nut”.

Wait! Wasn’t I talking about weight loss? Crap, I did it again. Ok, so now I’m a fat ass. My doctor says I’m not suppose to call myself that because it’s demeaning but REALLY??? I just call it, like I see it. However, it is time to get this situation under control. I may be a nut job but I refuse to be a fat one!

So on December 22nd, I’m sitting at my desk minding my own business. What is this orange blinking on my desktop? An instant message from Jana,Yippee! I unsuspectingly click on it, thinking this was my usual “Good Morning, Sweet cheeks” or “I just made the biggest turd”. Ummm, this can’t be right. YOU WANT TO DO WHAT!? Run a 5K, huh? WTF!? Although I have NEVER had any interest in running, I agree. I’ve started everything else with her, so why not this.

After the initial shock wears off; I’m starting to think this might work! Of course it could be the fumes from my white-out impairing my judgment but whatever works, right? I’ve wanted to do all those charity walks (key word “walks”) anyway. How much harder can running be? I am on board. Wooo Hooo, I’m excited!

Jana and Desaray, “Avid Runners”. Sounds great!

Thus begins the story of two fat girls……

My name is Jana and I am addicted to food.

They say the first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem. I guess I can understand the concept of this rather easily but that doesn’t make the admission any easier to make. I have struggled with this problem for many, many years. As I stand back to look at it, I realize I have gone through what amounts to the 5 stages of grief: Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, and Acceptance.

Denial: Thinking back, the denial began when I was the ripe old age of 18, possibly even before. I was engaged, in college and planning a wedding. Any of those things alone are stressful enough but I endeavored to do all three at once. “What’s the big deal?”, I thought. I always juggled activities while I was growing up and didn’t think this would be any different. I failed to take into account the power of the people around me had over me though. Instead of saying no to things I did not want to do, I stuffed those feelings down with heaping doses of mashed potatoes and gravy and chicken fried steaks. Stuffed them down with pizza and cheese enchiladas. Instead of losing weight like most brides strive to do before their wedding, I managed to gain 20 pounds.  Of course, I reasoned that it would be easy to drop the extra weight after the wedding because things would be more calm. Was I ever wrong!

Anger: Over time as I gained more weight, I became more and more angry. Angry with myself for letting it get out of control, angry because I did not have the time I wanted to dedicate to losing the weight, angry about lots of other things.  But did any of that stop me from stuffing my face to cope? I think you know the answer.  In all honesty while looking back on it, this wreaked a lot of havoc on my marriage. I was angry with him for not finding me attractive anymore. In reality, it was me projecting that on him and making that a self-fulfilling prophecy of sorts. It would be hard for anyone to love someone with whom you never knew where you stood. I took my anger with myself out on him. While he was far from perfect, this certainly didn’t help things. I remember distinctly one incident: we were heading out to dinner with a material supplier and his wife. We were going to a swanky restaurant and I had primped all day. I tried on a million outfits, getting more frustrated by the minute because none of them looked the way I wanted them to. I looked fat in everything. I finally broke down into a sobbing ball of tears and it took me about 30 minutes to regain my composure enough to throw on a baggy sweater and some pants and head out the door, an hour late. I felt even more terrible once I realized that not only had I been a complete bitch to my husband, but I had totally disrespected his supplier and his wife. And for what?? Because I was mad at ME.

Bargaining: I went through this for years and years, mostly in private. I would tell myself, “If you can just lose 20 pounds, you can take a trip to the mall and buy yourself a new outfit.” There were lots and lots of bargains I made with myself, too numerous to list here, but I knew all the while that I would never follow through. I made myself believe that I was worthless and didn’t deserve to be happy. And the munching and overeating continued.

Depression: Looking back, I am sure I was depressed for many years even though I was never treated for it. I feel like it was at it’s worst when I had my son. The time that is supposed to be the happiest time of one’s life was also one of the dimmest times I have ever had. I gained an enormous amount of weight while pregnant and it was not easy to focus on losing any of that weight while staying home with a brand new baby. I loved having that time with my son, don’t get me wrong, but it is not as easy as it looks to stay home all day with a baby. To quell the boredom, I ate. Morning, noon and night, and all the time in between, I ate. I would make elaborate dinners like all good wives do. But at the end of the day, I would go to bed tired, sad, and alone. There were times that I would lose some weight and feel decent about myself, but I would gain it all back and then some and end up in the same dark place I had been months before. The depression followed me for at least 5 years after that and that was the same time I finally gave up on my marriage.

Divorce is supposed to be one of the three most stressful things a person can live through. I didn’t find that to be the case. For some reason, it was freeing. I was finally free to express my ideas, to do what I wanted when I wanted and with whom I wanted. I think this is when I found acceptance. I accepted myself for who I am and what I look like and I finally was able to accept the number on the scale without going into a fit of rage or sobbing uncontrollably upon seeing it.

I love the person I am now. I have a great job. I have an amazing new husband who gets me like no one else and lets me be myself 110% and supports me in all my kookiness. I have a wonderful son who, despite being spoiled rotten, is rapidly becoming a man I will be proud to send out into the world. I have a nice home with fine furnishings and things to look at and a full refrigerator. I have amazing friends who I know always love me, even when I am unlovable…all the things I could ever want. I am funny and beautiful and independent and smart and fat and fantastic, and if you don’t like it, well, FUCK YOU!

But I still have a problem and that problem is food.

So without further ado, My name is Jana and I am addicted to food.

This blog is the story of mine and my best friend’s adventure to overcome our weaknesses while striving for a goal that neither of us would have ever even considered 5 years ago. I hope you enjoy it and will stop by often to laugh, cry, and learn with us. Fat & Fantastic!